36 people completed the quick poll. Scroll down to see the results.
What is LifeFit SurgFit?
Preparing your body and mind before surgery is the best way to set yourself up for a quicker recovery and the best outcome. Through LifeFit-SurgFit, we encourage you to be in the best health possible before coming to hospital.
This includes providing you with information on diet, exercise, pre-surgery assessments and understanding the risks and benefits of your surgery.
We asked you
We want to make sure the LifeFit-SurgFit website gives you the information you need to prepare for your surgery, and that the website is easy to use.
We asked you for feedback on what you liked and didn’t like about the website, to help us to give you the information that you need.
Results & next steps
15 people completed the survey and made suggestions on how to improve the website
Your feedback will be used to update the LifeFit-SurgFit website
Many thanks for your feedback and continued support of LifeFit-SurgFit. The service continues to evolve and expand since this survey was launched.
We aim to release an updated website later in 2024 taking into account your needs.
Get involved!
Below is an image of the home page to the LifeFit-SurgFit website. You can click on the image to enlarge it.
Scroll down to answer the first question.
Quick Poll
Did you know that this LifeFit-SurgFit website existed to help you to prepare for surgery?
This poll has concluded.
- Yes 33% (13 votes)
- No 67% (26 votes)
Click on the button below to start the evaluation survey
This survey is now closed