Help us name our foundation

The South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) is establishing a foundation to support our caring, world-class health service, its staff and the communities it serves, and we need your help.

Almost every person living within the south metropolitan Perth area – from babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly – will seek care from SMHS hospital or community-based services at some point in their life.

The Western Australian State Government funds our health service for our patient's essential care and treatment needs, and underpins medical and technological advancement in healthcare. The WA State Government is essential to our health service.

In addition to their support we want to;

  • advance care at a faster pace
  • take full advantage of new technology and equipment
  • be at the forefront of health research
  • go that extra mile for patients, staff and the community.

That’s why SMHS is establishing a foundation. Through the generous support of donors, the foundation will ensure that we can continue to offer the highest standard of care.

Our new foundation will champion:

  • With our communities, creating pioneering patient-centred services, therapies, and experiences.

  • Empowering SMHS staff by building healthy minds and bodies and cultivating safe and diverse workplaces.

  • Investing in SMHS researchers to bring new and better methods of care and life-saving treatments to patients.

  • Acquiring cutting-edge technology and equipment and initiating partnerships to transform SMHS care.

How can you help?

We’re looking for a meaningful and inspiring name, one that will resonate with our community and connect to our health service and the care we give.

Put your thinking caps on and submit your ideas by Friday 13 September 2024. Suggest as many names as you wish and tell us the reason behind the name.

The foundation is expected to launch in early 2025 and will be game changer for our health service, one that will help us deliver on our vision of excellent health care, every time!

Need some inspiration?

Remember - any name you put forward should connect to our health service and the care we give.