Your thoughts and experiences matter. Have your say.

Consumer feedback enables health services to understand your experience of the healthcare provided by hospitals and services within the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS).

This feedback may be in the form of a complaint, compliment or concern.

Using consumer feedback helps us to deliver safe, person centred care. It provides information on your positive and negative experiences, as well as outcomes of health care that we may not be aware of, such as access to services following discharge.

The SMHS Consumer Feedback Working Group is leading a project to ensure that;

  • consumers have flexible and equal access to provide feedback and
  • that we use your feedback to drive improvement in the safety and quality of healthcare that we provide.

Help us to ensure that the ways in which you can provide feedback about your experience, or that of your loved one, meet your needs.

Do you have 1 minute? Answer the question below.

Do you have 5 minutes? Share below your experience of providing feedback.