Why do we need your help?

The South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) believe that the people who use our services - our patients, their families and carers - are the most important voices in shaping how we deliver care. As we develop our new SMHS Consumer and Carer Engagement Strategy, we want to make sure that it truly reflects your needs.

Read on to learn more and complete the activities to have your say in how the new SMHS Consumer and Carer Engagement Strategy will look.

When you share your voice, you help not only us, but others in your community. Your feedback will contribute to a strategy that is effective, inclusive and meaningful.

Consumer engagement is where an organisation actively works and partners with consumers, carers and the community to design, plan and evaluate the health services that we deliver. Some of the ways that we can do this are to;

At South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS), our vision is “Excellent health care, every time”. Actively engaging with our community is an important way to achieve this.

Consumer engagement at SMHS occurs at different levels, from empowering individuals to make decisions about their own care, to involving consumers in service delivery and organisational planning.

The benefits of consumer engagement include:

  • Improved clinical outcomes for patients
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • A more positive patient experience
  • Greater community and consumer satisfaction

A strategy is an action plan that outlines long-term goals and what we need to do to achieve them. Strategies are important because they provide a framework for making decisions that align with these goals. This helps us to move toward our desired future state.

The first SMHS Consumer and Carer Engagement Strategy was created in 2018. The strategy provided direction for:

  • Developing processes to increase consumer participation
  • Building strong consumer partnerships.

The next SMHS Consumer and Carer Engagement Strategy will build on this work.

You can access and read our current strategy in the Document Library.

Let us know what you think

We held workshops with our Consumer Advisory Councils and Groups, asking members to tell us how they think consumer engagement could look within SMHS in the future. Now we want to know what you think.

Follow the link below to let us know how you want to engage with us, what may stop you from engaging with us, and what you think consumer engagement should look like within SMHS.

Consultation closes 30th September.

Have your say

Tell us what you think consumer and carer engagement should look like within SMHS