Click on the tabs below to tell us;

💬 how you would like to engage with us

🚧 what would stop you from getting involved with us

💡 what consumer engagement could look like

📋 your contact details if you'd like to be involved in the next steps

Mobile users need to swipe left on the tabs and click on the next tab.

💬Engagement preferences

Tell us how you'd like to engage with us

There are many different ways consumers and carers can be involved and have their say on the healthcare that we deliver. Tell us how you'd prefer to get involved by allocating points to the examples below.

🚧​ Barriers to involvement

💡 Engagement vision

During workshops with our Consumer Advisory Councils and Groups, we asked them what consumer engagement at SMHS could look like for the wider community by 2030.

Below are some of the ideas that they shared with us - use the thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons to let us know if you agree or disagree. If you have other ideas or suggestions, post them below.

5 June, 2024

Suggestions says:

No barriers between consumers and Health Service Providers

5 June, 2024

Suggestions says:

Community education about how to participate/ ways to be involved

5 June, 2024

Suggestions says:

Database of consumers with lived experience that can be used for peer support, policy co-design

5 June, 2024

Suggestions says:

Strong communication pathways for consumer reps, Consumer Advisory Councils and Consumer Advisory Groups

5 June, 2024

Suggestions says:

Group synergies

📋 Get involved

Would you like to be involved in the next steps to develop our engagement strategy? We're inviting our patients, their family and carers, and our staff to help us identify where we should focus our efforts.

Register your interest in getting involved by entering your details below. We'll get in touch with some of the ways you can be involved in this project.

For more information, please contact us at:
